DSD error message

// Expert user has replied.
I Ingo Kemmerzell 2 years ago
302 12 0

After upgrading from StageNow 5.7 to 5.8, I get the following error message when I'm selecting a step in XPert mode:
Error in DSD.Please validate the DSD and import it again.

How can I solve it?

Kind regards,

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12 Replies

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Ingo, 

Cold you please share with us which configurations you were trying to add in the XpertConfig Profile and also a Screenshot of the error?


I Ingo Kemmerzell

Image removed.

Hi Daniel,

Please find attached the screen shot of the error message. This is a simple example which includes a single UIMgr item. 

Unfortunately I'cant export any profile with V5.8, so I've attached another screenshot with this error message.

Kind regards,

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Ingo, 

Unfortunately I can't see the screenshots, maybe try to host them somewhere else...

In any case, I've done a complete upgrade procedure and, on my side everything works as expected.

I have to ask though, did you close StageNow while it has been upgrading the DSD files & Catalog?  Cause it looks like this might be the problem.

Can you try to reinstall it and see if it persists? To keep the created profiles, when uninstalling choose to not erase the user's data. When installing back again, it will ask you automatically if you want to import previous configurations.

I Ingo Kemmerzell

Hi Daniel,

I've uninstalled the old version, rebooted my laptop, verified that StageNow is not installed any more and installed StageNow V5.8 again. Moreover, I've launched StageNow with admin privileges initially.

But I'm still getting the same error messages and the same behavoiur sa before.

Best regards,

D Daniel Neamtu

I still think something is wrong here...

Can you send me a screenshot of the version you're currently using?

Because, if you were running the latest version, in the finalise stage when choosing the type of barcode, you should see the 2 new JS based ones, which in your case are missing (While looking back at your screenshots).


I Ingo Kemmerzell

In the JavaScript directory of my profile, there's a JsGen-1.0.jar from 2022-06-17. Is this correct?

I've attached another screenshot which shows the Publish tab. Indeed, the JS barcodes are missing.

D Daniel Neamtu

No, it should be a jar from 22-11-2022.

In my opinion, there's a misalignment between the old and new version of StageNow.

Can you post a Screenshot from the client with the current version? Just click on About from the TopBar.

I Ingo Kemmerzell

Screenshot is attached. In the meantime; I've copied jar from C:\Program Files (x86)\Symbol Technologies\Staging_Solution\JavaScript to the JavaScript folder in my Roaming profile, but this doesn't solve the problem.

D Daniel Neamtu

Thanks for the screenshot.

Can you try to rollback to the previous version of StageNow and see if the issue persists?

If it does, then the problem might be with your user's data getting corrupted somehow.

I Ingo Kemmerzell

After switching back to V5.7 everything works fine as before. But I'm still puzzled how to upgrade to V5.8 if I need to use some features of the latest version.

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Ingo,

I do still think it was an upgrade issue...

Could you install once again the latest version? Once you open StageNow after the installation process, just leave it do its things and update all the components.


I Ingo Kemmerzell

Maybe my logfile can give you some hints to find the root cause. It seems that the same error message (Error in setting PlugInCSPFtpUri) is thrown repeatedly.

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