Can the RFD40 read AEI tags?

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E Efkan YILMAZ 2 years 2 months ago
50 1 0


We have an RFD40 UHF RFID STANDARD SLED. From what I've read, it seems a device with UHF RFID functionality should be able to read an AEI tag. We wanted to test the device first to confirm before sending to customer since we do not have experience with AEI tags. I can scan RFID tags without any issues so I brought the scanner to a railcar yard to test active AEI tags. So far, I have been unsuccessful in getting it to scan an AEI tag.

Is there a specific setting that I need to configure the device to to be able to scan this type of tag? If so, please advise.

Thank you!

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1 Replies

S Sean Kennedy

Hi Chelsey.
AEI tags are likely UHF category tags, but they also may be restricted for general use for railway so that they are not tampered with.
If you have a sample Tag you are looking into to investigate - you may need to contact the Rail Asset Vendor - for the fixed infrastructure to find out if the tags in question are "Accessible" or are possibly Locked for the rail asset use-case.

If you have an "Open / Not-Locked" Tag available - the 123RFID Mobile app would be used with the "Balanced Performance" profile - to assess if the TAG can be read under normal UHF RFID circumstances, and what memory banks you have access to.


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