Blazor MAUI Zebra TC21 SE4710

// Expert user has replied.
A Artur Muller 1 year 9 months ago
201 1 0


We've just purchased a Zebra TC21 SE4710. We would like to use the 2D Scanner inside of our Blazor Hybrid MAUI app but we don't understand if this is supported or not. The goal is a classic scenario to scan and get the text inside of our app C# code. Have anyone done this that can provide some information if and how this is possible? If its not possible now, is Blazor MAUI support planned by Zebra dev team and if so when?

Thank you!

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1 Replies

D Daniel Neamtu

Hi Artur, 

If your goal is to just get the text of the scanned barcode, you don't need to include any libraries in the project since you would just to communicate with our middleware application responsible for the scanning operations called DataWedge.

The simplest way to communicate with DW is to register a Broadcast Receiver and listen for incoming events containing the information about the scanned barcode.

You can learn more by checking our full documentation here:…


Also, we have a MAUI sample project showing how to quickly implement this into an existing project: 


Hope that helps!


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