Basic scanner app's onData function doesn't called (Kotlin)

D Daniel Zom 3 years 5 months ago
126 1 0

I made a basic scanner application for the TC200J Zebra in Kotlin. I followed the tutorial step by step but the onData function does not triggerd by the hardware scan button on the right and left side of the phone. I downloaded the emdk plugin for android studio too. I am sure that i do it something in wrong way but i don't know what. It scans the ean13 code and write into a input field but i cannot catch the event in the onData. My CvLoggerClass logs only when the app in debug mode (i'm trying it in debug mode). I could use some help. If everything is true i don't need to install anything on the device, because the gradle dependency do it for me above 7.0.0.
My AndroidManifest file:

My gradle file:
minSdk: 21
targetSdk: 28
dependencies {
compileOnly 'com.symbol:emdk:7.0.0'
My activity (the initializeEmdkManager called in onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)):
// Declare a variable to store EMDKManager object
private var emdkManager: EMDKManager? = null
// Declare a variable to store Barcode Manager object
private var barcodeManager: BarcodeManager? = null
// Declare a variable to hold scanner device to scan
private var scanner: Scanner? = null
// boolean flag to start scanning after scanner initialization
// Used in OnStatus callback to ensure scanner is idle before read() method is called
private var startRead = false
// Method to initialize and enable Scanner and its listeners
private fun initializeScanner() {
if (scanner == null) {
// Get the Barcode Manager object
barcodeManager = this.emdkManager!!.getInstance(FEATURE_TYPE.BARCODE) as BarcodeManager
// Get default scanner defined on the device
scanner = barcodeManager!!.getDevice(BarcodeManager.DeviceIdentifier.DEFAULT)
// Add data and status listeners
// Hard trigger. When this mode is set, the user has to manually
// press the trigger on the device after issuing the read call.
scanner!!.triggerType = Scanner.TriggerType.HARD
// Enable the scanner
//set startRead flag to true. this flag will be used in the OnStatus callback to insure
//the scanner is at an IDLE state and a read is not pending before calling
startRead = true
private fun deInitializeScanner() {
if (scanner != null) {
try {
if (scanner!!.isReadPending) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
scanner = null
private fun initializeEmdkManager() {
val results = EMDKManager.getEMDKManager(applicationContext, this)
// Check the return status of getEMDKManager and update the status Text
// View accordingly
if (results.statusCode != EMDKResults.STATUS_CODE.SUCCESS) CvLogger.log("Scan: EMDKManager Request Failed")
// AsyncTask that configures the scanned data on background
// thread and updated the result on UI thread with scanned data and type of
// label
private class AsyncDataUpdate(val scanner: Scanner) : AsyncTask() {
override fun doInBackground(vararg params: ScanDataCollection?): String {
// Status string that contains both barcode data and type of barcode
// that is being scanned
var statusStr = ""
try {
// Starts an asynchronous Scan. The method will NOT turn ON the
// scanner, but puts it in a state in which the scanner can be turned
// on automatically or by pressing a hardware trigger
val scanDataCollection = params[0]
// The ScanDataCollection object gives scanning result and the
// collection of ScanData. So check the data and its status
if (scanDataCollection != null && scanDataCollection.result == ScannerResults.SUCCESS) {
val scanData = scanDataCollection.scanData
// Iterate through scanned data and prepare the statusStr
scanData.forEach {
// Get the scanned data
val barcodeData =
// Get the type of label being scanned
val labelType = it.labelType
// Concatenate barcode data and label type
statusStr = "$barcodeData $labelType"
} catch (e: ScannerException) {
// Return result to populate on UI thread
return statusStr
override fun onPostExecute(result: String?) {
CvLogger.log("Scan data: $result + \n")
override fun onPreExecute() {
override fun onProgressUpdate(vararg values: Void?) {
// AsyncTask that configures the current state of scanner on background
// thread and updates the result on UI thread
private inner class AsyncStatusUpdate : AsyncTask() {
override fun doInBackground(vararg params: StatusData): String {
var statusStr = ""
// Get the current state of scanner in background
val statusData = params[0]
// Different states of Scanner
when (statusData.state) {
// Scanner is IDLE
StatusData.ScannerStates.IDLE -> statusStr = "The scanner enabled and its idle"
// Scanner is SCANNING
StatusData.ScannerStates.SCANNING -> statusStr = "Scanning.."
// Scanner is waiting for trigger press
StatusData.ScannerStates.WAITING -> statusStr = "Waiting for trigger press.."
// Scanner is not enabled
StatusData.ScannerStates.DISABLED -> statusStr = "Scanner is not enabled"
else -> {
// Return result to populate on UI thread
return statusStr
override fun onPostExecute(result: String) {
// Update the status text view on UI thread with current scanner
// state
CvLogger.log("Scan status: $result")
override fun onPreExecute() {}
override fun onProgressUpdate(vararg values: Void) {}
override fun onDestroy() {
if (emdkManager != null) {
// Clean up the objects created by EMDK manager
emdkManager = null
override fun onStop() {
try {
if (scanner != null) {
// Releases the scanner hardware resources for other application
// to use. Must be called as soon as scanning is done.
scanner = null
} catch (e: ScannerException) {
//some lines of code omitted for clarity
override fun onClosed() {
if (this.emdkManager != null) {
this.emdkManager = null
override fun onOpened(emdkManager: EMDKManager) {
this.emdkManager = emdkManager
try {
// Call this method to enable Scanner and its listeners
} catch (e: ScannerException) {
override fun onData(scanDataCollection: ScanDataCollection) {
// Use the scanned data, process it on background thread using AsyncTask
// and update the UI thread with the scanned results
override fun onStatus(statusData: StatusData) {

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