barcode scanner -PL5000-AM000R - Android Developer support

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v venkatesh Ramanadham 2 years 5 months ago
22 19 0

Hi ,
We are using Barcode scanner to develop android application .We have multiple queries
Engine Zebra SE4100-LM000R
Decoder Zebra PL5000-AM000R
Flexi Zebra FLXPL5AMCL

1 . Can we trigger barcode more than 10 seconds ,if yes how we can achieve .
2 . Can we on Led more than 10 seconds
In the above 2 seniors we have given the count down timer for 60 second to release the trigger or to off led but it works for 10 seconds only .
could you please suggest us how we can achieve the 60 sec scanner duration.
Thanks ,

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19 Replies

R Riad Benallou

Max decode session timeout is 9.9 seconds
Seems you have two options
Option 1: have timer to send trigger event each 10 seconds and reset it at barcode event .
Option 2: set the decoder into présentation mode , this will allow the engine to start decode session automatically when detecting barcode . You can add scan enable disable events to control the decoding session if needed .
In case you still require decode session to be above 10 seconds them only left option is to request custom firmware through your zebra account team or distributor .


v venkatesh Ramanadham

Hi Raid,
Thank you for your response , we will plan to go Option 1 .

v venkatesh Ramanadham

could you please share us an example to trigger presentation mode in Option 2

R Riad Benallou

You will have to change trigger mode setting parameter #138 . By default it's set to standard level . Change it to Presentation Blink .
The enable / disable can be achieved using api DCSSDK_DEVICE_SCAN_ENABLE and DCSSDK_DEVICE_SCAN_DISABLE ( refer to )

Here description of all different set for that parameter .

*Standard (Level) - A trigger press activates decode processing. Decode processing continues until
the barcode decodes, you release the trigger, or the Decode Session Timeout on occurs.
• Presentation (Blink) - The decoder activates decode processing when it detects a barcode in its field
of view. After a period of non-use, the LEDs turn off until the decoder senses motion.
• Host - A host command issues the decode signal. The decoder interprets an actual trigger pull as a
Level triggering option.
• Auto Aim - The decoder projects the aiming pattern when the decoder senses motion. A trigger press
activates decode processing. After a period of inactivity the aiming pattern shuts off.
• Auto Aim with Illumination - The decoder projects the aiming pattern and internal illumination LEDs
when the decoder senses motion. A trigger pull activates decode processing. After 2 seconds of
inactivity the aiming pattern and internal illumination LEDs automatically shut off.

v venkatesh Ramanadham

Thank you Raid.
could you please share a sample code for the presentation mode. I cant find any reference for presentation blink

v venkatesh Ramanadham

Could you please share a sample code for the presentation mode. I cant find any reference for presentation blink

R Riad Benallou

What do you mean by sample code ? Trigger mode is parameter that you change by reading parameter barcode from the guide or you can do it using 123scan

v venkatesh Ramanadham

1 . Trigger mode is parameter that you change by reading parameter barcode .

Could you please explain about the above point .as i was not able to understand .

R Riad Benallou

All zebra scanners including OEM decoder got different parameters that can be modified by reading the parameter barcode in question which is in the manual or can be loaded or generated using 123 scan .
Here article which got presentation blink trigger mode that is also included in the manual…

F FirstName LastName

Thanks for providing a simple and useful guide to save my time Which is helpful to my website" android apps simple.

R Riad Benallou

Sample called SCA scanner control app for Android is available with source code within SDK .
Refer to

v venkatesh Ramanadham

Thank you Raid,
Is it possible to stop Blink in Presentation Mode and make led to stay without blink ?

R Riad Benallou

I'm sorry but I'm not quiet sure to understand what you mean . Is it possible to share video ?

v venkatesh Ramanadham…
Please look into video ,The barcode scanners Led is Blinking when scanner is in presentation Mode .

We need the Led to stay without Blink .

R Riad Benallou

Did you change any settings than enabling présentation mode ? Please make sure to set it to default and enable only the présentation mode . Normally the decode session timeout by default is 9.9 seconds

v venkatesh Ramanadham

Yes i have done "Set Factory Defaults" and enabled Presentation Mode .Still I can Observe Led Blink .

R Riad Benallou

Which barcode exactly you scanned from the manual to enable presentation mode?

v venkatesh Ramanadham

I Have Used the below xml to enable presentation mode
Opcode : DCSSDK_RSM_ATTR_SET(5004),
and Xml is :

"" + dcsScannerInfo.getScannerID() + "" + 138 + "B" + 7+ "";

R Riad Benallou

The parameter and setting are right .
It might be the function detects contrast changes causing the continuous scan sessions. Difficult to say from just this video. What happens if you cover the working kit from contrast changes, e.g. scanning onto a nearby wall?
I have only SE47xx so tested here and I don't see such behavior .. the illumination for decode session start when detect movement and would turn down within 1-2 seconds if no barcode detected ( which is normal as this is controlled by hands free decode session timeout - parameter 400 )
check manual page161…

try to set it for 50 or 100 and see the result

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