Allowing app on TC20 to use DataWedge scanner

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P Priko Serto 2 years 6 months ago
8 1 0

I have my app starting up and there is a very small time frame in which the scanner will turn on to scan, even though the app is included the DataWedge profile allowed-apps list. It won't scan after that when my activity is loaded. The scanner works on other allowed apps like Chrome just fine, but the scanner seems to die out after 5 or so scans. Is there anything that can be going on with my app, DataWedge, or the scanner itself?

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1 Replies

E Edward Correia

After your scanner "dies out," see if it works through the DataWedge demo app. If so, there's probably nothing wrong with the scanner. Also keep in mind that only one app can use the scanner at a time, so if there's any other app trying to get access, it will bump your app out. 

You might also check the TC20 integrator guide for compatibility with the decoders you're using. It might be a licensing issue.  See it in the "Manuals" section:…


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