Industry News - Week of Dec. 3, 2018

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Qualcomm Invests in AI; Researchers Hack Fingerprints; Developing IoT Apps; Sprint's 5G Rollout; Blockchain as a Service; IT Losing Control

Qualcomm's $100M AI Investment

Qualcomm Ventures, the chip-maker's investment arm, has launched the AI Fund to spur growth in artificial intelligence start-ups.


Machine Learning to Hack Fingerprints

Researchers at NYU have used a neural network to create so-called "master fingerprints," which they've used to spoof real ones.

Developing Apps for IoT

Developer opportunities abound in the budding landscape of internet-based sensors, which is expected to be worth more than $6 trillion by 2021, and cover virtually every market segment.


Sprint's 5G Rollout is 'Well Under Way'

Beginning with New York, US-based carrier Sprint has begun to deploy its gigabit-capable 5G network in about a dozen American cities.

Blockchain as a Service

It was only a matter of time before blockchain technology, which swept the financial industry a few years ago, would be offered as a service.

IT Departments Losing Control of Devices, Solutions

While close to 90 percent of respondents in a recent survey said their employers provide collaborative tools, more than half choose not to use them. Users also push back on their enterprise devices of choice.


Edward Correia

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