Industry News - Week of Jul. 2, 2018

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE:  DARPA's Vehicle Tech; Brainwaves Control Robots; Telcos to Keep Location Data Private; Teradata Sues SAP; Android Web Messages; GitLab Usage Spikes; Google Duplex Public Trial

The Incredible Tech in DARPA'S Ground-X Vehicle Prototypes

The US defense research agency is overseeing vehicle technology developments to keep soldiers from harm's way without up-armoring.

Big Telecom Agrees to Quit Location Sharing

The four major U.S. telecom carriers--AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon--have promised to quit the practice of selling info on the whereabouts of customers.

Google Launches First Public Trial of Duplex

Automated call center is reportedly quite realistic. And unlike others, it's can be upfront about what it is, and what it's about to do.

Teradata Sues SAP for IP Infringement

Alleging that SAP's HANA in-memory database was built using its intellectual property, Teradata in California court is seeking an injunction and undisclosed monetary compensation.


MIT Researchers Control Robotic Arm with the Mind

Using just brainwaves and subtle hand gestures, researchers at MIT have leapt into the realm of science fiction.

Google Releases Messages for Web

With the rollout of Messages for Web, Android users now have a way to send texts from a browser and receive them in the SMS phone app.

What Does 'Edge Computing' Really Mean?

The term has been around almost as long as the internet, but two new definitions have emerged and are sparking debate.


GitLab Usage Spikes Since Microsoft Bought GitHub

Most developers have heard by now that Microsoft bought GitHub. Less well known is that rival GitLab has seen a 10X spike in new users.


Edward Correia

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