Click2Demo FAQ

Catherine Wei -

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Click2Demo a new program?
Click2Demo has been available since 2010 on a pilot basis. With the pilot complete, we are now reaching out to all our application developer partners to let them know about this valuable no-cost program.

Who can download these demos?
The Click2Demo library can now be accessed by the public.

Do I have to provide the back-end for the links from the Click2Demo site?
No. Zebra Technologies will package your files appropriately for downloading, host the files, and set up the barcode-based installation process.

Does my demo need to run on a Zebra device?
The typical demo will be software that demonstrates your mobile device interface on the actual device. But you could also provide a video or animated demonstration that runs on a PC.

Can I prevent my competitors from accessing my demo?
No. The library will potentially include multiple demos for the same product category. You should not provide any information in your demo that you would not want to make publicly available. Many companies already have demo versions of their software that can be downloaded from their public web sites — these demos are ideal for Click2Demo.

Can I find out who downloaded my demo?
Not today, but we are looking to add this capability at a future date. We can, however, tell you the number of times your demo had been downloaded.

Will I have to support the people who are demonstrating my software?
The Zebra Technologies Solution Center will provide first-level support. Because demonstrations have been tested in the Solution Center and are self-contained, we do not anticipate many requests for support.

How will I keep my information up to date?
You can update your materials at any time by contacting the Zebra Technologies Solution Center at In addition, Zebra Technologies will review materials each quarter and reserves the right to remove any materials it deems inappropriate or outdated. If there is a bug or problem with your demo, Zebra will work with you to resolve it.

If my software has not yet been tested for Zebra Technologies Compatible or Zebra Technologies Solutions Validated status, how can I initiate that process?
You can learn more about these programs on the Zebra Technologies web site:
Zebra Technologies Validated Solution Program
Zebra Technologies Compatible Solution Program

Can I submit a demo application for Zebra Technologies Compatible or Zebra Technologies Validated testing?
If the application being tested is not a full version, it must represent all features of the full version.  For example this may apply in the case of custom applications or demo applications.  After a demo application is tested, it may be posted on Click2Demo with a note indicating the full version is pending to be tested.  The full version should be tested within 90 days.

What is AppGallery? How do I participate?

AppGallery provides partners that are developing Android applications for Zebra mobile devices an easy way to test, market, deliver and sell their applications. Developers can simply create their own Galleries, upload apps and invite users via email or text message. When it’s time to get the word out, partners and developers can place their app in the public AppGallery Showcase to automatically promote apps to potentially every company that is considering or has purchased Zebra mobile devices. Since AppGallery is resident on Zebra mobile devices, new apps are never more than a few clicks away from the most qualified buyers.  The simplicity of a single marketplace for all enterprise apps for Zebra mobile computers with the peace of mind that apps have completed our Compatible or Validated testing. Visit AppGallery at:


Catherine Wei

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