Industry News | Week of Oct. 31, 2022

Edward Correia -

IN THIS ISSUE: Browser Tool Developments; ToDo Tree Grows Task Lists; Leaky ViewPump Debunk; A Case Study in Material 3; Build an App With Jetpack Compose; Video Series: Quickly Compose Like a Pro


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Browser-tool Development Developments 

Here's a not-so-spooky roundup of the latest tools for developers whose main target is the web browser. Whether coding for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari or some combination thereof, a former Mozilla programmer now with Microsoft fills your goody bag with tricks and treats.  


Visual Studio Code Plugs-in ToDo Lists

Be it program code or a news article, anyone writing anything at length has undoubtedly added notes like "FIX THIS LATER" or "DO MORE RESEARCH" directly in the writing. For users of Code, Microsoft's free code editor, ToDo Tree extension generates lists from the comments. 


Leaky ViewPump Debunk

The ViewPump Android library has been accused of leaking information. ViewPump is based on LayoutInflater, which parses and converts an XML layout resource into a hierarchy of View objects. And there's apparently a wrong way to use it. Here's the right way and why.  


Cover art of the Figma file with the words “Now in Android App with Material 3: Material 3 Case Study” written across the image.

Now in Android: A Case Study in Material 3 

For those hesitant to try Material Design, Google's open-source app-design system, this Material 3 case study might help change your mind. And the app they studied might also be one you'll want to have.


Build an App With Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is Google's toolset for simplifying construction of Uis for all versions of Android. Here's a step-by-step description of one developer building an app to track expenses.  


The scariest #pumpkin for #developers: 🎃 Friday deploy to prod. 👻 # halloween #designer #develo… | Halloween party decor, Halloween party decor  diy, Scary pumpkin

Compose Like a Pro in No Time

If Google's Compose tools have sparked your interest, this video series might help get you get up to speed quickly.



Edward Correia

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