we want to add zebra sdk our IOS and Android apps.Android was easy it works great.But there is problems in IOS swift.(i use latest sdk 1.4.948)
i added libzZSDK_API.a , ExternalAccessory.framework,Quartzcore,UIKIT,foundation,coregraphics and also
i changed info.plist (Required background modes and Supported external accessory ...) i can see these on capabilities .my code block
let connection:MfiBtPrinterConnection = MfiBtPrinterConnection(serialNumber: serial)
do {
// try SGD.SET("bluetooth.page_scan_window", withValue: "60", andWithPrinterConnection: connection)
let printer = try ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection)
let lang = printer.getPrinterControlLanguage()
let tool = printer.getToolsUtil()
try tool.sendCommand(dosya)
} catch {
this gives error "Unable to determine printer language" at "let printer = try ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection)"
when i chance this with "let printer = try ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(connection, withPrinterLanguage: PRINTER_LANGUAGE_ZPL)" it works but after this
it gives error "Error writing to connection" at " try tool.sendCommand(dosya)"
3 Replies
I too am trying to print to one of the Zebra remote printers, however I cannot find any clear swift examples of how to do this. Would you be able to share example code on how you connected to and printed to your printer. Fairly new to swift, so any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Now i tried with objective-C in a few ways and there was same error
ExternalAccessory-329.10.2/EAOutputStream.m:-[EAOutputStream write:maxLength:] - 283 failed to write because stream does not have space available
NSString *yazici = @"XXXXJ143901964"; id connection = nil; connection = [[MfiBtPrinterConnection alloc] initWithSerialNumber:yazici] ; BOOL didOpen = [connection open]; if(didOpen == YES) { // NSError *error = nil; // id printer = [ZebraPrinterFactory getInstance:connection withPrinterLanguage:PRINTER_LANGUAGE_ZPL ]; // if(printer != nil) { // PrinterLanguage language = [printer getPrinterControlLanguage]; NSString *testLabel; testLabel = @"^XA^FO17,16^GB379,371,8^FS^FT65,255^A0N,135,134^FDTEST^FS^XZ"; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:[testLabel UTF8String] length:[testLabel length]]; [connection write:data error:nil]; // [[printer getToolsUtil] sendCommand:testLabel error:nil ]; // } // } }
i found solution
put your code inside
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {