For developers using Zebra's EMDK for Android and have updated to Android Studio 2.3, please read the story immediately below. There's also news this week for developers using Visual Studio, MySQL,…
What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon, then programming? For over 32 teams of high school students representing 17 different Chicago area high schools, including at least three all-female…
Developers have been APPFORUM’s bread and butter crowd ever since Zebra began driving this event several years ago. And while we’re expanding the audience for this year’s conference to include…
Tech Leaders have been releasing development teams from their regular work environment to attend APPFORUM since 2013, when Zebra began driving an Enterprise Software Conference Series known for…
The current version of EMDK For Android 6.x will not work if you have upgraded to the latest Android Studio release 2.3. You may not have noticed this unless you tried to use Profile Manager from…
News of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's leaked security documents sent Android and iOS developers scrambling this week, and both groups have responded. Almost lost in the shuffle was IBM's…
Convincing the exalted one to let you out from behind the screen to attend Zebra’s APPFORUM 2017 —especially when the event will have new technology topics and educational sessions—shouldn’t be…
Join our RFID experts as they provide step-by-step instructions on how to important Zebra RFID and Scanner SDK for iOS, how to set up a new XCODE project that will work with the RFID and…
While Apple is looking to beef up its menu of red meat for the enterprise, Google wants to cleave off a section of the messaging market that Apple has been hogging for years. Microsoft, meanwhile,…
Zebra is rolling out the red carpet again for APPFORUM, our Enterprise Software Conference Series that we’ve been hosting since 2014. APPFORUM will be getting its regional show on the road…