Getting Started with Zebra Printers and Apps
This Application Note outlines the basics for printing to and developing apps for Zebra printers. It details the process of setting up and beginning to use a Zebra printer.
This document includes the following sections:
1. Setting Up Your Zebra Printer
2. Connecting Your Printer
3. Testing the Connection
4. Configuring Your Printer
5. Designing Your Label
6. Using Development Tools to Create Your Printer App
7. Testing Your Printer App
Also for common terms, refer to the Appendix – Common Terms.
Target Audience
This document is for developers with little to no experience using Zebra printers or who need to develop an app to print barcode labels, receipts, RFID tags, or other tracking labels.
Technical Requirements
The information in this Application Note assumes you have technical competence with core programming concepts and rationales.
Note: It is recommended that you use a PC, because Zebra does not support all of the resources required to set up and use Zebra printers on Macs.
To review the entire process, refer to the Getting Started with Zebra Printers and Apps Application Note document.
Gloria Moreno